
The International Society for Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health’s mission is to foster communication among scientists, students, clinicians and public health professionals who want to use evolutionary insights to improve medical research and practice, and to use studies of health and disease to advance evolutionary biology. Its main enterprises are The International Society for Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health’s mission is to foster communication among scientists, students, clinicians and public health professionals who want to use evolutionary insights to improve medical research and practice, and to use studies of health and disease to advance evolutionary biology. Its main enterprises are Evolution, Medicine, & Public Health, an Oxford University Press journal, , an Oxford University Press journal, The Evolution & Medicine Review, an online newsletter research review, , an online newsletter research review, EvMedEd, a database with thousands of education resources, and annual meetings, and sponsorship of two prizes:  the $5,000 Gil Omenn Prize for the best paper in any journal and the $1,000 George C. Williams Prize for the best paper published in Evolution, Medicine, & Public Health.
Members get a $1000 discount on EMPH publication fees, a discount on meeting fees, and a 25% discount on all Oxford University Press books. More importantly, members get opportunities to work with other members to develop the field, and their own knowledge, research, and scientific connections.
ISEMPH is open to anyone interested in using rigorous evolutionary thought to advance medical science through research, education, and outreach and to scientists studying disease to better understand fundamental mechanisms of evolution. I hope to welcome you to membership and to greet you at our annual meetings.
Best wishes,
ISEMPH President

The International Society for Evolution, Medicine & Public Health is a 501(3)(c) non-profit organization. Copyright (c) 2018. Contact: manager@isemph.org

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