The International Society for Evolution, Medicine and Public Health convened fourth annual conference in Park City, Utah. Health professionals, researches, teachers and student from many scientific disciplines from around the world gathered to share their ideas, approaches and research findings at the intersection of evolutionary biology, medicine, and public health.
The main goals of this conference was to
1) Catalyze the new discoveries in the rapidly growing field of evolutionary medicine - including dynamics of cancer, the microbiome, antibiotic resistance, infectious disease, health behavior, and much more !
2) Create connections and increase the awareness of this exciting , important and high impact ares of scientific inquiry.
Statement on Behavior at Meetings: To maintain an open, respectful, safe, and collegial atmosphere at meetings, ISEMPH expects all in attendance to act appropriately at all times. (For a full statement of the policy, please see Bylaws Article V, Section 3.)
Keynote Speakers |
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine |
NYU School of Medicine |
Arizona State University |
Northwestern University |
Penn State University | Jacob Scott Cleveland Clinic |
Williams Prize 2018 Keynote University of Copenhagen | Omenn Prize 2018 Keynote ![]() University of Michigan |
August 1st 8:00am-2:30pm | $195
This special pre-conference directed by Joe Alcock, M.D. with invited guest speakers explores how evolutionary biology and evolutionary ecology contribute to the management of patients in extreme environments. CME credit available. Register for this pre-conference as an add-on to your regular ISEMPH Meeting registration.
If you have questions and/or need further info, please contact:
Janice Mancuso, Conference Director